Around Campus
- Parking—ADA accessible parking is located in the South Parking garage. The North and East Parking garages also include a limited number of ADA accessible spaces. Visit our Directions and Parking page for more information.
- Entrances—Power-assist doors are located at the main entrance.
- Mobility devices—All Museum galleries (including Noah’s Ark at the Skirball), Audrey’s Museum Store, Zeidler’s Café, and other indoor and outdoor spaces at the Skirball are accessible to mobility devices. The use of motorized wheelchairs and other power-driven mobility aids is permitted.
- Restrooms—All public restrooms are wheelchair accessible, and most restrooms include baby changing stations.
- Nursing—Parents are welcome to nurse their children anywhere on campus. If privacy is desired, a family room is available on the lower level of the main lobby.
- Service animals—ADA-certified service animals are welcome; pets are not permitted on the Skirball campus.
Available for Check-Out
- Wheelchairs—A limited number of wheelchairs are available for check-out on a first-come, first-served basis at the lobby desk in the Main Entrance and at the security kiosk in the North Parking garage. If you are parking in the East Parking garage and require a wheelchair, please call (310) 440-4676 in advance so that a security guard may be ready to assist you upon your arrival. To check out a wheelchair, you must leave an ID with the security guard.
- Strollers—A limited number of strollers are available for check-out on a first-come, first-served basis at the lobby desk in the Main Entrance. To check out a stroller, you must leave an ID with the security guard.
- Lockers—Visitors may secure personal items in lockers, located on the lower level of the Main Entrance. Please ask at the lobby desk for assistance.
- Assisted listening devices—Built-in and portable assisted listening devices are available during public programs. Please inquire with the security guard upon your arrival for additional information. To check out a device, you must leave an ID with the security guard.
- Noise-dampening headphones and earplugs—Visitors with small children and babies may check out noise-dampening headphones for use during Sunset Concerts and other performances. Earplugs are available for adult visitors. Noise-dampening headphones are also available within our sensory bags (see below).
For those on the Autism Spectrum
- Sensory bags—Visitors may borrow sensory bags within Noah’s Ark. These bags hold noise-dampening headphones, stims, fidgets, puzzles, and fine motor manipulatives that provide visitors something to touch, fidget, or play with during stressful moments and can help your child feel safe, secure, and grounded during your visit.
- Noah’s Ark sensory modifications—Flashing storm clouds in the gallery can be turned off or modified to a calming sensory mode upon request.
Skirball Reopening
The Skirball Cultural Center will reopen on Sunday, February 2. Inspired by the traditions of Tu B’Shevat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees, we invite you back to the Skirball for a FREE community day, honoring trees and reclaiming community. Please join us for Roots and Renewal: Honoring the New Year of the Trees.